Add Contact / Feedback / MoneyOder / Survey / Request Page(s) to Blog


Its a common thing that in most of  blogs,websites are using contact pages or  feedback pages.We create or build a contact page with coding and then we add to our blogs or websites.But Their is another or alternative way to add contact page or feedback page in our website or blog without coding.I already have used here(Go Here).I will show you how you can do that :

Their are some few form building websites (mentioned below) in those you can make your contact foms pages for your website without any coding .

1. You just have to do is create/signup a easy free account in those websites.
2. Create your form in their.
3. Copy the code (form that you have created) & paste that in your website. All done.

Here is some Form Building website Links:

From above I perosnally using   and . Here is an example ,
just go to my Request Page ,their you can see a sample of contact form.

Q. What/How many types of form can i create ?
Ans : You can create contact page,feedback page,survey page,moneyoder page,request page etc.

reCAPTCHA : Add free captcha to your project / website


reCAPTCHA is a free CAPTCHA service that helps to stop spam & give security to site.
reCAPTCHA is a Web service. A CAPTCHA is a program that can tell whether its user is a human or a computer.

It is completely free to use in your website / project.To use it
Just Follow the steps:-
1.  Register for a reCaptcha key : Free Register / Signup at recaptcha to create/get key ((private,public key) or API key).After signup enter you website name at "Domain" box to create key ,if  you want to use it in your local server project then write "localhost" at "Domain" box. just as below :

2.  Download reCaptcha dll file for ASP.NET : Download the dll file from here.After file downloaded add to your project reference .

3.  Add reCaptcha on ASP.NET page : To add reCaptcha on your page  first you have to
add below code at top of .aspx page to register reCaptcha dll file:
<%@ register tagprefix="recaptcha" 
assembly="Recaptcha" %>
Then insert the reCAPTCHA control inside of the "form" tag:

Enter/use your reCapcha key(public key,private key)at publickey & private key
respectivly in above code.

4.  Make sure you use ASP.NET validation to validate your form (you should check Page.IsValid on submission).
The Following Example show you overally , how you use reCAPTCHA:
<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="RecaptchaPage.aspx.cs" Inherits="ContosoUniversity.RecaptchaPage" %>
<%@ Register TagPrefix="recaptcha" Namespace="Recaptcha" Assembly="Recaptcha" %>
<html xmlns="">
<head runat="server">
</body> </html>
In your code-behind or .cs file add code as below :
public partial class RecaptchaPage : System.Web.UI.Page
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (Page.IsValid)
          lblResult.Text = "You Got It!";
          lblResult.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Green;
          lblResult.Text = "Incorrect";
          lblResult.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
When you enter valid captcha & click submit button ,it shows message as below :

When you enter invalid captcha click submit button , it shows message as below :

You also can change reCaptcha theme by changing Theme="themename" in reCAPTCHA
control.Use ("white","Red","blackglass","clean" in place of "themename") as
below :

How to Use/Add Syntax Highlighter to Blogger ?


Syntax Highlighter is a open source  java script client side code syntax highlighter.
It is a combination of javascript & CSS code.It is used to highlighting code syntax in
blog,Just like in this blog.

To use it just Follow the steps :-
1. Go to your Blogger Dashboard & click on "Design" ,then click
    "Edit Html".

2. Now Go to
    Then "Select all"  & "copy" on that page.

3. Paste the copied code at the end of the css section of your blogger
    html template (i.e., after <b:skin><!--[CDATA[/* and before ]]--></b:skin>).

4. Then Paste the following code before the </head> tag.
 Code Follows :-

    You can remove any <script> line for languages you'll never use.
    (For example you will never use "python" language then delete that
     <script></script> line contains "shBrushPython.js"). Remove requires
    for faster loding .
5. Insert the following code before the </body> tag.
 Code Follows :-

  Now click "Save" to save customized the template.

6. When composing a blog entry that contains source code, click the "Edit Html"
    tab on the "Posting"and put your source code (with html-escaped characters)
    between these tags:(<pre></pre>) or (<textarea></textarea>) just as below.
 Code Follows :-

...Your html-escaped code goes here...
Substitute "cpp" with whatever language you're using (full list). (Choices: cpp, c, c++, c#, c-sharp, csharp, css, delphi, pascal, java, js, jscript, javascript, php, py, python, rb, ruby, rails, ror, sql, vb,, xml, html, xhtml, xslt)

Add CSS file to WebBrowser control in Winform/Wpf


For adding an css file to browser in Winform/Wpf ,

First->       Add "microsoft HTML object library (MSHTML).dll" to
                   "reference" of your project.

Second->   Add "using mshtml" & "using System.IO" namespaces to code file.

Third->     Add/Create a CSS file that want to add in webbrowser to customize
                  HTML code/visual.

Final->     Add/Write  following codes under windows_load event to enable
                   css to webbrowser.
 Code Follows :-
mshtml.HTMLDocument CurrentDocument = (mshtml.HTMLDocument)WebBrowser1.Document.DomDocument;
                mshtml.IHTMLStyleSheet styleSheet = CurrentDocument.createStyleSheet("", 0);
                StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(@"..\browser.css"); //browser.css is Stylesheet file
                string text = streamReader.ReadToEnd();
                styleSheet.cssText = text;

How to Remove navigation bar from blogger ?


1- Log in to blogger

2- On your Dashboard, Click/Select "Design" option to edit layout. This will take you to the Template tab. Click "Edit HTML".
      Under the Edit Template section you will see you blog's HTML code.

3- Paste the below CSS code defination just before  the "/* Variable defination" template code as shown in example

 Code Follows:-
#navbar-iframe {
   display: none !important;

Example :-

Blogger Template Style
Name:     Rounders
Designer: Douglas Bowman
Date:     27 Feb 2004
Updated by: Blogger Team
----------------------------------------------- */
#navbar-iframe {
   display: none !important;
/* Variable definitions
   <Variable name="mainBgColor" description="Main Background Color"
             type="color" default="#fff" value="#ffffff">
   <Variable name="mainTextColor" description="Text Color" type="color"
             default="#333" value="#333333">

Create a Preloader/Loading screen in Blend/Wpf


Just Follow the steps to create an animated Preloader :-
1) First take an "Eclipse" from Assets or toolbox .
      -->Goto properties of "Eclipse" , 
              change its fill color to transparent/no brush .
                             (make Alpha value 0 to make it transparent in blend)
     -->And give its stroke color & size to "5" as per your requirement.
2) Second take a "Rectangle" from Assets.
     -->In properties make its stroke color to "NoBrush".
     -->then make a copy of that rentangle by right click it & select copy ,
          then paste it (or by "Ctrl+C" & paste "ctrl+V").
     -->Now we have to two rectangle ,rotate one rectangle
          to virtical 90 degree (In properties ->select Transform->select Rotate). 
     -->Now First select Two rectangles then eclipse ,Then right click on
          these selected items ,select "Combine"->select "Substract".
     -->Now we have cuted circle,Then unselect all ,now select
         inner bars in circle & delete these bars. now circle/eclipse
         converted to path.
3)  Make copy of  circle,
      --> make it smaller & change its stroke size to "2" .
      --> Place it Inside the big circle.
4) Now make a new Animation on storyboard.
      -->Set a keyframe at "0" second for both big & small circle.
      -->Take timeline bar to 1/2 second then select both circles/paths
                   & in proprties->Transform->rotate->change angle to 50 to 60.
      -->Unselect all ,then take timeline bar to 1 sec,select bigcircle
            change its angle to 80 to 90, then select small circle change its
                angle to  0 to -10.
      similarly do change as you like. & set the last/final time bar to 0 angle
      for both circles.
5) For infinite looping go to "object & timeline" bar select paths or big &
    small circles ->Render transform->rotation->Angle. Then right click
    on both "angle"s  time line ,select "edit repeat count"->set it
                                      to "Forever" then ok.

Now your preloader is ready....Enjoy.......

OR Watch This Video

Create Rounded corner TextBox in Blend/Wpf


To Make Rounded Corner TextBox in Blend/wpf just Follow the steps :

Step-1 :  First take a "Border control" from Assets or toolbox control.

Step-2 :  Then take a "textbox control" from assets & place it within that "Border"
                with same size.

Step-3 :  Select "textbox" (by using selection tool from toolbar) then goto property.
   -->Then Change its "background" to "Transperent"(Change its Alpha value to 0 in blend).
   -->Change its "Border Brush" to "Transperent" (Change its Alpha value to 0 in blend).
   -->Change its  BorderThickness="0" .

Step-4 : Now Select "Border control" then goto Property.
   -->Then change its "corner radius" to 8 (or as per your requirement).
   -->Change its "background" to  white (or as per your requirement).
   -->Give "border brush" a color .

Step-5 : Now its ready .  Enjoy.......

OR Watch this Video