Syntax Highlighter is a open source java script client side code syntax highlighter.
It is a combination of javascript & CSS code.It is used to highlighting code syntax in
blog,Just like in this blog.
To use it just Follow the steps :-
1. Go to your Blogger Dashboard & click on "Design" ,then click
"Edit Html".
2. Now Go to
Then "Select all" & "copy" on that page.
3. Paste the copied code at the end of the css section of your blogger
html template (i.e., after
4. Then Paste the following code before the
You can remove any <script> line for languages you'll never use.
(For example you will never use "python" language then delete that
<script></script> line contains "shBrushPython.js"). Remove requires
for faster loding .
5. Insert the following code before the
Now click "Save" to save customized the template.
6. When composing a blog entry that contains source code, click the "Edit Html"
tab on the "Posting"and put your source code (with html-escaped characters)
between these tags:(<pre></pre>) or (<textarea></textarea>) just as below.
It is a combination of javascript & CSS code.It is used to highlighting code syntax in
blog,Just like in this blog.
To use it just Follow the steps :-
1. Go to your Blogger Dashboard & click on "Design" ,then click
"Edit Html".
2. Now Go to
Then "Select all" & "copy" on that page.
3. Paste the copied code at the end of the css section of your blogger
html template (i.e., after
and before ]]--></b:skin>
).4. Then Paste the following code before the
tag. Code Follows :-
You can remove any <script> line for languages you'll never use.
(For example you will never use "python" language then delete that
<script></script> line contains "shBrushPython.js"). Remove requires
for faster loding .
5. Insert the following code before the
tag. Code Follows :-
Now click "Save" to save customized the template.
6. When composing a blog entry that contains source code, click the "Edit Html"
tab on the "Posting"and put your source code (with html-escaped characters)
between these tags:(<pre></pre>) or (<textarea></textarea>) just as below.
Code Follows :-
OR...Your html-escaped code goes here...
Substitute "cpp" with whatever language you're using (full list). (Choices: cpp, c, c++, c#, c-sharp, csharp, css, delphi, pascal, java, js, jscript, javascript, php, py, python, rb, ruby, rails, ror, sql, vb,, xml, html, xhtml, xslt)
- See full documentation here for Syntaxhighlighter.
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